For more than 15 years, the Hatfield Township Shade Tree Commission
has maintained a nursery. The 2310 Stratford Avenue Park is home to 100
or more young trees at any one time, until they are ready for planting.
nursery uses a drip irrigation system hooked up to a timer. Township
public works staff and volunteers take care of weeding and maintenance.
nursery is also part of the township park system. Two benches and
onsite parking encourage visitors to enjoy passive recreation in this
quiet, residential area.

Using the Nursery Wisely
buying smaller trees, and nurturing them at the nursery, the township is
able to better use funds, and maximize the survival rate of the young
plants. The Shade Tree Commission selects stock based on project needs
such as:
- Ornamentals for gateways
- Plants for tight areas
- Plants to shade open areas
- Evergreens for wetlands and gateways
- Shrubs for gateways
- Plants for stream corridors
- Plants to provide buffer
The Shade Tree Commission also maintains a thorough inventory and transplanting plan for the trees in the nursery.
School Road Park’s new front entrance parking area and the Hatfield
Aquatic Center grounds are among the beneficiaries of the nursery.
Identified as a key resource in the Hatfield Township-Hatfield Borough
joint open space plan, the nursery will support efforts to approach tree
growing/tree planting as a multi-municipal endeavor.
Nursery Stock Replenished in Fall 2007
and adults of Cub Pack 510 planted nearly 100 young trees of 12
different species in the nursery in November 2007. The trees were
purchased with a $5,015 grant from the TreeVitalize Municipalities
These trees replenish the nearly depleted nursery at the end of a multi-year transplant effort.